Tokyo ! Japan ! Life now !

Tokyo ! Japan ! Life now !


(6/6)Tokyo today about COVID-19




***  This article is written with the help of GooGle Translate... ***



26 (+6 from the day before) 
new infections confirmed in Tokyo.





◆◆◆ Japan ◆◆◆



Number of people infected nationwide :  46 ( +2) 

Number of people deaths nationwide :  2 ( -2

Number of people infected in Tokyo :  26 ( +6

 *( )= increse  from the day before



Number of people infected nationwide :  17,876 ( +46

Number of people deaths nationwide :  929 ( +2

Number of hospital discharges : 15,626 (+103)*Up to 5th

 *( )= increse  from the day before



Narita Airport Quarantine : 1 ( -2人 / Total 362)

  *( )= increse  from the day before


 (*All of the above from 2020/06/06 18:53 / NHK NEWS WEB)




(Cumulative) * The following is up to 10 worst prefectures.

(*2020/06/06 18:53 / NHK NEWS WEB)

▽Tokyo          5369 (  +26) 
▽Osaka          1784 (  +1)
▽Kanagawa   1390 (  +5)
▽Hokkaido    1117 (  +8)
▽Saitama       1004 (  +1)
▽Chiba           901 (    +0)
▽Fukuoka      799 (    +2)
▽Hyogo         699 (    +0)
▽Aichi            513 (    +0)
▽Kyoto          359 (    +1)

*( )= increse  from the day before



◆◆◆ World ◆◆◆



Number of people infected nationwide :  6,869,136 ( +141,652)

Number of people deaths nationwide :  398,587 ( +4,939)

Number of hospital discharges:3,363,594 (+93,585)

( All of the above from 2020 /06/06 19:36 worldometers) 

*( )= increse  from the day before




After all, the number of newly infected people in Tokyo has been much higher in the past few days...



As I summarized like bellow,


The standard of number of infected people in Tokyo seems to be about 20 people a day,

so I don't know what the meaning of "Tokyo Alert" is,

but I think that the general public like me is really afraid that,

① Infection and spread about COVID-19

② Request for leave and declaration of emergency situation again



I hope they can manage to reduce the number of new infected people...

because "almost of us" are already careful for COVID-19.



I can't give you a complete breakdown of the number of new infections in Tokyo today,

but let me summarize a little bit!



Out of [26] new infections in Tokyo


・Today's newly infected people are men and women in their 20s to 70s


16 rich contacts


10 unknown infection routes


19 out of 26 people (70%!) is in their 20s to 30s




16 out of 26 people (70%!) is in entertainment district at night




The only salvation is that

the total number of infected people is higher than yesterday,

(20 new infected people)

but the number of unknown infection routes has decreased.

(12 people yesterday).



Since the concentrated contact person has grasped the infection route,

I think that the infection explosion will not do so much from there,

so it is a relief only about that the infection route unknown has decreased.



By the way,

today is Saturday,

so we also calculated the "total number of infected people per week" in the "New infected person calendar in Tokyo" at the bottom!




This week's total has increased significantly compared to the week before last few weeks,

It's too easy to understand by counting in this way.




And here's a trial calculation of how many people in Japan are actually receiving medical treatment.


(Number of people infected nationwide) 17,876

+ (Number of hospital discharges )  929

+ (Number of hospital discharges ) 15,626

= 1,321 people ← being treated



(If it is exactly as announced)

There was no change in the number of discharges, so the appearance has increased slightly!



I wrote about it yesterday,

but it's getting hotter this weekend, and I think it gives me a sense of liberation,

so I just pray that the number of people who go out to drinking parties will not increase and the number of infected people will not increase.



Please do not increase the number of infected people anymore....



 Please be careful when you go out!










Changes in New Coronavirus Infection in Tokyo


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Total
- - - - - 165 160 641
91 87 58 38 23 39 36 336
22 15 27 10 30 9 14 128
5 10 5 5 11 3 2 41
14 8 10 11 15 22 14 94
5 - - - - - -
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Total
- 13


12 28 20 26 138
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -

 *Unit: person (number of infected people on that day)