Tokyo ! Japan ! Life now !

Tokyo ! Japan ! Life now !


Tokyo today about COVID-19 (4/20)


***  This article is written with the help of GooGle Translate... ***


102 new infections confirmed in Tokyo.


◆◆◆ Japan ◆◆◆



Number of people infected nationwide : 234 2020/4/20 18:57 / NHK NEWS WEB

Number of people deaths nationwide : 13  (2020/4/20 18:57 / NHK NEWS WEB

Number of people infected in Tokyo : 102 (2020/4/20 18:57 / NHK NEWS WEB



Number of people infected nationwide 11,041

 (2020/4/20 18:57 / NHK NEWS WEB

Number of people deaths nationwide264

 2020/4/20 18:57 / NHK NEWS WEB

Number of hospital discharges:1,884

2020/4/20 18:57 / NHK NEWS WEB


(Cumulative)* The following is up to 10 worst prefectures.

2020/4/19  18:06 / NHK NEWS WEB

▽Tokyo  3184
▽Osaka  1211
▽Kanagawa 796
▽Chiba  704
▽Saitama  666
▽Hyogo  524
▽Fukuoka  5214
▽Hokkaido  451
▽Aichi  411
▽Kyoto  259


◆◆◆ World ◆◆◆



Number of people infected nationwide:2,418,845 

2020/4/20  19:20 / worldometers

Number of people deaths nationwide165,759

 (2020/4/20  19:20 / worldometers

Number of hospital discharges:633,363人

2020/4/20  19:20 / worldometers


* I'm sorry, but the numbers for today of the world is quite timely, unlike in Japan.
For that reason, I have not put the numbers for today, but have put the indicators up to this time.


So I can't say anything because every week on Sunday and Monday, domestic numbers are so few ,also today.


The reasons is that

① The medical institution is closed on Saturdays and Sundays and cannot be tested.

 ② PCR test usually takes 1 to several days
(It is about 5 hours at the fastest, but it seems to be about that at a medical institution)


